Due to the nature of COVID-19, it’s important to update our standards in accordance with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centre of Disease Control (CDC) to help protect our community.
If the following applies to you, we strongly advise you to attend any of the designated fever clinics or contact the dedicated hotline (1800 675 398).
Overseas/interstate within the last 14 days
Been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases
Please ring ahead of time to inform our doctors and staff if you have developed a high temperature (≥37.5°C), cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing.
We’ve also ramped up our hygiene practices and implemented new measures to limit the spread.
Hand sanitizer availability throughout the clinic
Self-sanitizing after each transition
Limiting cash transactions
Encouraging contactless transactions
Frequently sanitizing surfaces
No touching policy
For more information, please go to https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov